AgriData Innovations

Camera systems and crop monitoring AI

ADI is enabling a future-proofed food security and agricultural production through data-driven cultivation.

We develop imaging systems and integrate them with farm equipment.

Value is added to our customers via proprietary computer vision software which extracts key features on; crop physiology, quality control, disease & pests.

Crop Types:
Lettuce, Phalaenopsis, Other pot plants, Chrysanthemum, Roses, Other cut flowers, Plant breeding, Flower seeds, Pot and bedding plants
GreenTech Amsterdam 2025

Molengraaffsingel 12 2629JD Delft Netherlands



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  • Seedling Scan Pro

    Seedling Scan Pro

    Germination analysis and digitalised seedling coun

    The Seedling Scan Pro determines the germination percentage and usable percentage of seedling trays. The tray is digitally counted in a matter of seconds compared to minutes of manual counting, the count is standardized so there is no human subjectivity, and the count plus photo is stored automatically so that a database is built.
  • Smart-Eyes


    The Smart-Eyes take photos of the crop

    The Smart-Eyes take photos of the crop that are then analyzed for important metrics. We measure the length, leaf area, number of buds, flower diameter and number of fruits. We also scout for pests and diseases in the crop, such as discoloration, damage or holes in the leaves. The collected metrics are used for harvest forecasts, optimization of the cultivation strategy and management of pests and diseases.