10 - 11 - 12 June 2025

Medicinal Cannabis at GreenTech

GreenTech Amsterdam offers you a complete picture of technologies used for the cultivation of medicinal cannabis. Discover high end solutions on how to grow sustainably, on a large scale and how to optimize the yield of your crop.

Experience the latest trends, developments and growth markets: medicinal cannabis cultivation is definitely one of them.

The medicinal cannabis knowledge programme sessions at GreenTech Amsterdam are co-organised by Phytonext.

Medicinal Cannabis at GreenTech Amsterdam

At GreenTech you will find all innovators and market leaders on cultivation technology, automation, climate control, crop protection, seeds and young plants, food, software, lighting, consulting and media.

Pavilion & Route

Meet the cultivation technology experts at GreenTech 2019 on the specific Medicinal Cannabis Pavilion, and on the exhibition itself indicated at the Cannabis Route.

Knowledge programme

Learn from experts at the Café Talks Theatre and join a dedicated high end knowledge programme on the developments in medicinal cannabis.
