Conference Programme 2025
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Tuesday 25 March 2025
Topic of the day: the current situation and perspectives in horticulture
Please be aware that the contents and speakers of the programme could change.

08:30 - 10:55 | Workshop: Everything you Have to Know About Cultivating Hydroponics Leafy Greens
• Learn the basics of hydroponic growing in Mexico
• Understand the circumstances surrounding hydroponic baby/teen production
• Learn about the impact on yield, quality and competitiveness of the final product, cultivation strategy, seed selection, system selection, packaging strategy and product specifications
• Answer your questions about automation, ROI, product safety, and how to be the best of the rest
• Discover the key considerations for the design of a hydroponic lettuce product concept and the importance of lettuce variety selection
• Identify the risks associated with errors in greenhouse design and planning for production
• Analyze which segments of Leafy Greens where hydroponic cultivation can be particularly competitive
Sonny Moerenhout, Managing Partner, Cultivators
Joost Somford, President, JASA Packaging Solutions - North America
Patrik Borenius, CEO, Green Automation Americas LLC
Carlos H Umana, Technical Sales Manager, Nunhems/BASF Vegetable Seeds

11:00 - 11:30 | Opening Ceremony & Expo - Networking Break

11:45 - 12:45 | Impact of climate change on protected agriculture
• Temperature control technologies
• Air circulation and ventilation
• Moist walls
• Efficient water use
• Screens
• Greenhouse requirements due to climate change
Bas Duijvestijn, Chief Commercial Officer, Van der Hoeven
Felipe Palomares, Head Grower, Jd Agro-Kapital - Ludvig Svensson
Moderador: Iván Méndez, Head Grower, Megafrescos

12:45 - 13:45 | Strategic Conference

13:45 - 14:45 | Lunch & Networking
14:45 - 15:00 | Time to visit the expo

15:00 - 15:45 | Human Capital Challenges: Impact of reforms, certifications and technologies on the labour force
• Labor situation in Mexico
• Systems that control labor efficiency and automation
• Certification companies, perspective on importance of certifications in a greenhouse, socially responsible, ISO etc.
Alexei Rico, Propagation Grower, Plantanova
Jorge del Toro, Director, Finka

15:45 - 16:30 | Protocols for the prevention of pests and diseases
• Tomato virus BRFV - Pepper virus CPMMoV
• Cleaning and disinfection
• Biological control
Maximiliano Dorantes, Technical Director, MicroPrime
Rafael Pizarro, Director, Natura Quality Foods
Moderator: Oscar Morales, Director, SCS

16:30 - 17:15 | Election results in 2024 and their impact on the industry
• How does the situation of the incoming Mexican and US governments impact horticulture?
• Mexican exports and the tomato suspension agreement
Moderator: Eric Viramontes, Presidente & Director, VISER Proyecta
Wednesday 26 March 2025
Topic of the day: opportunities in horticulture to maximize production potential
Please be aware that the contents and speakers of the programme could change.

08:30 - 11:00 | Power Day - “Passion for People or just Profit?”
Host: Oscar Woltman, Consultor, Phoenix Consultoría
Table moderators:
• Mariska Dreschler, Director of Horticulture, GreenTech
• Félix Tarrats, Director General, CEICKOR
• Hugo Escoto, Consultor, Alternativa Agrícola Sostenible
• Pharis Rico, Director, Horticonnect
•Jorge del Toro, Director, Finka
11:00 - 12:00 | Time to visit the expo

12:00 - 13:00 | Benefits of artificial intelligence in greenhouses
• What does AI mean for horticulture?
• Empowering the use of data, through AI
• Will AI be the Grower expert in my production?
• Could AI replace human capital?
Jorge A. González, Consultor Técnico, Ridder Group
Kenneth Tran, CEO, KOIDRA – Metaliser
Moderator: Pharis Rico, Director, Plantanova

13:00 - 13:45 | Strategic conference

13:45 - 14:45 | Lunch & Networking
14:45 - 15:00 | Time to visit the Expo

15:00 - 16:00 | Comparing different labour retaining strategies
• Pay amounts in different countries per kg produced / exported
• Why in Mexico is there less profit than in other countries?
• Employee experiences - incentive plan
Oscar Woltman, Consultant, Phoenix Consultoría
Carlos Visconti, CEO, Red Sun Farms Group

16:00 - 17:00 | How to be more sustainable: Efficiency in irrigation systems and fertilizers
• Water Efficiency in Hydroponics
Fernando Alfaro, CEO, GROWA Greenhouse Systems
Gerardo López, Grower, Finka
Luis Carlos Díaz, Gerente de ventas Región Bajío, GreenHow
Moderator: Jesús Arévalo, Director de Innovación y Desarrollo, Intagri
Thursday 27 March 2025
Topic of the day: facing challenges for the future
Please be aware that the contents and speakers of the programme could change.
10:00 - 11:00 | Awakening the Giant: Mexico’s Ornamental Potential
• Production of Ornamentals: sustainability, challenges and opportunities
• Switching production: What to take into account when considering switching to growing flowers
• Challenges and opportunities of the Mexican market and the possibilities to export
• Doing Business in Mexico: What Dutch breeders and technology providers are looking for?

11:00 - 12:00 | “Every drop counts” - Sustainable water management: Dutch technology and its experience in Mexico
Ruud Schulte, Manager Marketing & Communications, Van der Ende Group
Simon Jones, Business Development Manager, GENAP
Moderator: Annie van Riet, President, AVAG

12:00 | Networking Break / Time to visit the expo

12:15 - 13:15 Role models, women who inspire future generations
Violeta Ruiz, Foreign Trade, Rabita Agrotextil
Ernestina Serrano, General Director, Cerro Fresh
13:15 - 14:15 | Global Innovations: Analysis of technology and its impact in different regions
Adolfo Minero, Consultant, Harnois

14:15 - 15:00 | Strategic Conference
• Impact of Dumping

15:00 - 16:00 | Networking with strategic expert and industry leaders
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