Jury shortlists 15 candidates from 73 entries
The second GreenTech Innovation Award for the most innovative exhibit will be presented during GreenTech Amsterdam 2016, the leading international trade event for horticulture technology. An international jury has selected a shortlist of 15 nominees from 73 entries competing for the GreenTech Innovation Award 2016. Category awards will be presented in three categories: production, equipment and automation solutions. One of these three winners will then be chosen as the overall winner of the GreenTech Innovation Award. The Awards will be presented on June 14 during the opening event of GreenTech Amsterdam.
“As jury, we are very pleased with both number and quality of the applications for the GreenTech Innovation Award 2016. It shows the high level of innovation in the greenhouse horticulture sector. The nominees can really consider themselves top of the bill!”, according to jury chairman Aalt Dijkhuizen, former president of Wageningen UR and appointed by the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs as figurehead of the Topsector Agri & Food in the Netherlands.
Shortlisted companies in the Production category:
Five submissions were nominated in the Production category.
RootmaXX by Saint-Gobain Cultilene (The Netherlands) –Stand 11.623
Cultilene RootmaXX is a new stone wool cube. The total quantity of roots is between 5% and 25% higher than in current cubes. Within the cube the root development is even, giving better control over plant balance. RootmaXX is produced on the basis of (X-fibre) technology, a patented technology by the Saint-Gobain Group. Thanks to this technology, the fibres go in all directions in the substrate.
ISO Cutting and Planting robot 1800 by ISO Group (The Netherlands) – Stand 09.307
The ISO Cutting and Planting robot 1800 is able to analyze the geometry of a stem of a pot rose with the MARVIN 3D camera program. The pot rose branches, which are hung into the machine, are detected and analyzed by 8 camera’s, cut on the right stem length and directly planted into a pot in one movement by a Denso robot arm.
ISO Plantsampler by ISO group (The Netherlands) – stand 09.307
The ISO Plantsampler automates the gathering of DNA material. In the germination process it is crucial to know the DNA profile of new varieties. Till now DNA material has been gathered by manually taking leave-samples of a plant and analyze these with DNA sequencers. The ISO Plantsampler automates this process by taking samples from a leave of a seedling and gather these on a microplate.
GrowCoon by Maan Biobased products BV (The Netherlands) – Stand 09.314
The GrowCoon is a 100% biodegradable culture plug , made from 100% biodegradable polymer. It can be produced in every desired size. Conical shapes are also possible. The GrowCoon can be placed into the tray before it is filled with substrate. It keeps the root ball together after it is filled with substrate. This allows the plant to be transferred without any pollution and damaging the roots.
Biospreader by Royal Brinkman (The Netherlands) – Stand 11.108
The Biospreader is excellent for the floriculture. The patented high-tech spreading disc in the Biospreader is the heart of this innovation. The disc provides a uniform distribution of predatory mites and is designed in a way that the quality of the predatory mites remains maximal retained. Predatory mites, once in the crop, will get to work to control pests.
Shortlisted companies in the Equipment category:
Six submissions were nominated in the Equipment category.
2SaveEnergy greenhouse covering by 2SaveEnergy (The Netherlands) – Stand 11.124
2SaveEnergy is a new, practical and economical solution for energy-efficient growers. This greenhouse covering contains an outer layer of clear glass with a double anti-reflective coating and an under layer of diffuse F-CLEAN film between which there is a ventilation cavity. This is the first greenhouse covering that combines a high insulation value and light transmission with an affordable price.
Triton by Van der Ende Groep (The Netherlands) – stand 11.506
The Triton Bioreactor produces a healthy microbiological population. The sophisticated water treatment results in a clean irrigation system and enables an oxygen rich root environment with microbiological biodiversity. This results in more resilient crops and helps control root diseases such as crazy roots. Ultimately, the Triton will contribute to an improvement of the crop production.
AntiReflect by Mardenkro (The Netherlands) – Stand 10.200
An after-market Anti Reflection technology, which can be applied to existing greenhouses.
NUF water recycling by NUFiltration Ltd. (Israel) – Stand 08.223
NUF water recycling technology for greenhouses based on the patented NUF™ membranes purification process. Recycling of irrigation water stream free of pathogens, viruses and microbiological agents without use of chemicals, thermal or biological treatments. The recycled stream still contains the same concentration of fertilizers, micronutrients and salts which are disposed by the system.
Priva Deleafing Robot by Priva (The Netherlands) – Stand 08.226, 08.420 & 11.120
Together with a large group of tomato growers Priva has developed a robot, which removes leaves from tomato plants completely independently and in an economically profitable manner. Innovative vision technology and robust mechatronics are used to cut leaves fast and with high precision. Although rather complex from a technology point of view, the robot is still quite simple to operate.
ValkScreenVision screen insertion system by Van der Valk Horti Systems (The Netherlands) – Stand 11.124
The ValkScreenVision screen insertion system saves time when inserting or replacing screen cloths and is less risky for both crop and installer. As the screen cloth is inserted directly into the profile, there is no need to use clips. As a result hardly any work is required amongst the crop nor at great heights. As well as being quick, clean and safe, the system is also flexible.
Shortlisted companies in the Automation Solutions category:
Four submissions were nominated in the Automation Solutions category. At the instruction of the nominated company, the fourth nominee is not published at this time.
Paskal Growth Analyser by Paskal Technologies Ltd. (Israel) - Stand 11.118
The Paskal Growth Analyser (PGA) is a wireless weighting System that monitors the daily growth of the Plant. The wireless sensors are located in the greenhouse and the plants are hanged to the sensors. Every 20 minutes the systems measures the weight of the plant. This information together with the climate date from the climate computer is analyzed and processed within the Paskal System (Online).
C.H.I.M.P by Phenokey (The Netherlands) – stand 09.212
C.H.I.M.P (Crop Health & Information Monitoring Platform) measures control and plant health parameters objectively and location specific with different sensors. Unique feature is that C.H.I.M.P measures these parameters autonomously over the entire area of the greenhouse. The data is converted into smart performance indicators. These indicators are used for remote monitoring and decision support.
HortiMaX-Go! by Ridder Hortimax Group (the Netherlands) – stand 11.210
The HortiMaX-Go! is the all-new Smart Greenhouse Controller. It is a modern, user-friendly and affordable horticultural computer for controlling both greenhouse climate and irrigation. It can be easily customized choosing unique ‘Smart Switches’ that can be installed in a plug-and-play manner. Every grower in the world now has the opportunity to start his automation smart.
All nominated products will be showcased throughout GreenTech in the InnovationLAB. Designed to enable exhibitors and visitors to share their knowledge and experiences in the field of innovation, it is an inspiring environment where pioneering products and revolutionary ideas are presented.
“New products are a crucial feature of the show and the InnovationLAB is an inspiring physical presence to the show floor where visitors come face-to-face with the latest developments in the industry,” explained Mariska Dreschler, Manager GreenTech.
The international jury
The members of the jury are:
- Mr. Aalt Dijkhuizen, former President and Chairman of Wageningen University and Research Centre and chairman of the GreenTech Innovation Award Jury
- Mr. Jan-Willem Breukink – Former CEO en current advisor Incotec
- Dr. Heinrich Dressler - the editor of Gärtnerbörse, Germany
- Mr. Reinier Wolterbeek - Chief Technology officer Sundrop Farms
For the shortlist the jury was assisted by:
- Mr. Roger Abbenhuijs - Chief editor In Greenhouses and Onder Glas, the Netherlands
- Ms. Linda Kaluzny-Pinon – Technical horticulture journalist, France
- Mr. Jacco Strating – Chief editor HortiBiz and KAS TuinbouwCommunicatie, the Netherlands
- Ms. Dr. Silke Hemming - Teamleader Greenhouse Technology, Wageningen University and Research Centre
Proceeds to AMREF Flying Doctors Charity
Water is becoming scarcer and more polluted every day. Innovations are crucial for sustainability, which is why GreenTech continues to support AMREF Flying Doctors by donating the registration fees of the Innovation Award.