
Second edition of GreenTech Americas in full preparation

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Amsterdam – 3 March 2022. GreenTech Americas are getting ready for their second edition on Wednesday 27, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 April in Querétaro Congress Center (QCC), Mexico. Mexico and its region Americas has a huge market potential for the horticulture industry. The show is a platform where innovative horticultural technology solutions will be promoted with the goal to drive the growth of the industry to the next level. There will be an educational Conference Programme and an ‘open to all visitors’ GreenTech Stage where industry leaders will present food production solutions for growers and investors. On the exhibition floor 155 companies from 15 countries will be present.

Market potential
Mexico produces 50% of its crops through protected horticulture and the other 50% in open fields, this inclination is due to the exponential growth of the input market in recent years. The protected agriculture industry where the horticulture is part of, exports more than 3.2 million tons annually with a commercial value of more than 3,000 million dollars, according to the AMHPAC. These figures express the huge potential for the horticultural industry in the Americas region.

“Visitors can expect an increase of exhibitors, including the international technology market leaders of the greenhouse industry, at this second edition of GreenTech Americas”, commented Mariska Dreschler, Director of Horticulture, GreenTech Global. “We also received an increase of delegation requests from the Americas region, including Colombia and Brazil. Together with the cutting edge conference programme, this edition promises to be the must-attend event for horticulture professionals this year. Together we can work to a more sustainable food & flower production in the region, and worldwide. I am very much looking forward to meeting everybody in person 27, 28 and 29 April!”

According to José Navarro, General Director of Tarsus Mexico: "Mexican companies in the field of input supply recognize the need to promote the growth of protected horticulture across the country. So the industry considers the implementation of innovative solutions necessary to increase production yields, the value in the field and ensure its export”.

Support from the industry
Support from the industry reflects in the 155 companies, as mentioned, who will be present from 15 countries such as Canada, the United States, India, Turkey, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. The event has also the support of the Mexican Association of Protected Horticulture (AMHPAC), the CEICKOR University Center, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and other prestigious organizations and institutions from the region, who share their knowledge and vision of the industry.

Edition 2021
The first edition of GreenTech Americas exceeded expectations, which allowed the sales to achieve more than 70% of the exhibition floor for the second edition. Last year the show offered 51 conferences and panels with strategic topics given by more than 70 national and international speakers. 130 companies from 14 countries participated.