Accelerating the advancement of vertical farming together

Accelerating the advancement of vertical farming together

Monday, 4 June 2018

Vertical farming is attracting ever-more interest. Between them, Signify and Priva offer the complete range of products and services that are needed to make multilayer indoor crop production a success. Therefore, at this year’s GreenTech, Signify – the world leader in lighting – and Priva – with long-standing experience in irrigation solutions and control systems for horticultural crops and building environments – are exhibiting on a joint stand. Together, they aim to give growers, food processing companies and investors a better understanding of how to benefit from vertical farming.


Signify’s Philips Greenpower LED lighting production module offers light efficiency up to 3 μmol/J while the Philips GrowWise control system enables dynamic light recipes, for example. This, in combination with Signify’s seed advice, variety screening, spacing expertise and grower training, enhances crop quality in a multilayer setup in terms of shelf life, vitamin content and flavor. Meanwhile, Priva provides complementary technology for use in vertical farming including integrated controls for labor, climate, irrigation and light, as well as irrigation units, fertigation units and 99.9% accurate disinfection units. In addition, Priva is a specialist in the use of integrated data (including via the cloud) to predict labor, yield and quality in order to optimize profitability.

At their GrowWise Center, BrightBox and Priva test locations, the two companies are collaborating on ongoing research into the optimization and integration of their respective technologies and expertise to the benefit of all their customers. By joining forces in this non-exclusive partnership of open collaboration, Signify and Priva are helping to accelerate the advancement of the vertical farming market. Learn more from the dedicated specialists themselves at their joint GreenTech stand 8.501 R.

Author: Priva